Thursday, April 27, 2006

Addicted to Wikipedia

Yes, it's true: I am, indeed, addicted to Wikipedia. Therefore I shall share a few articles on subjects that I think are fun or interesting.

Phineas Gage


doot doo doodoo duhduh dootdoot doodoo (like clowns getting out of a volkswagon)

Does it smell like aligator in here to you?

Unparliamentary language

Just read the first sentence of the "Birth" section

Professor Spooner

Lady Mondegreen

A really a cheap laugh, and proof that "white trash" has always been an option

Game Show anyone?

A recent classic

Not funny so much as useful

Thirteen was skipped for your sanity

I've never heard of this one

What's surreal about that?

If only we could all have the skills of Le Pétomane... That and... wait... so... is Jack Handey real? Cause I thought that it was just a name that Phil Hartman gave himself so he could read rediculous things? I don't believe it... Phil Hartman is the only Jack Handey.
That "It Pays to be Ignorant" thing sounds suspiciously like the Jaywalking segments on Leno. After living in Idaho for a few years, it's difficult to find that stuff funny anymore. It's not funny when it's the baseline condition for everyone around you. It's just sad.
That is so true... I think we should give Idaho back to Canada... just the way it should be...
At this point, I doubt Canada would take it if we paid them.
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