Friday, September 07, 2007

That's Just Mean

Ty's been working a lot, and referring to himself in the third person a lot. In the last month, if I haven't been working or helping Gina and Steve keep the house in sale-worthy condition, I've been helping my friend Jon get rid of some computer viruses (a work still in progress) or I've been reading my book for the Science Fiction Fantasy reading group down at the Rediscovered Bookshop or I've been translating passages from Epiphanius' Panarion (also still in progress), so I've not been to bloglandia nearly enough, and I think it unlikely that I shall return to my former level of activity in the foreseeable future. I suggest that you get an rss reader, like bloglines, and subscribe to all of your favorite blogs (except Laila's, 'cause she disabled that feature) so that you don't have to keep being disappointed after going to all the work of looking up my blog. That's right, I'm suggesting that following a link is too much effort.

Now, back to our story: I just came from the kitchen where Gina had just made Tank quit eating before he was done so that he'll nurse at the right time, about which he was not happy. She was eating in front of him. Ice cream. That looks like his baby food. Niiiiiice.

Poor kid.

(to be fair, she was there because she wanted to spend time with him)

Even though it was mean to eat ice cream in front of Tank, at least she didn't feed him the ice cream.

By the way, as far as rss readers go, I love Google Reader. I have a module on my iGoogle page, so whenever I open a browser I can see if there's something to read right away. But I also like to look at the actual page instead of the feeds, so I added the Google "Next" to my favorites which will take me to the next unread blog post from my reader. Yes, I could just click on the link in the reader module on iGoogle, but I think it's easier to use the "Next" link. No new windows to close afterwards. I can't believe I just wrote that much about an rss reader.
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