Thursday, May 24, 2007

An Interesting Quiz

The fun part was the picture section:

Your Score: Very Well-Rounded

You have:

The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and above average on scientific intuition. (Weirdly, your emotional and scientific intuitions are equally strong.)

Your Emotional Intuition score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you're good at Quake.

Your Scientific Intuition score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the sciences.

Try my other test!
The 3 Variable Funny Test
It rules.

Link: The 2-Variable Intuition Test written by jason_bateman on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

I got 70% Scientific, 85% Emotional.

My dot landed in the bottom third of the A in the word Smart on the grid.

Does this mean I'm smarter than you?
Yes, yes it does; but I've believed that for as long as I can remember.
62% and 62% for me. I was in the smart gird as well.

I took the humor test and was pretty darn accurate (sp?). I am a ham. better than pigs feet I guess.
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