Friday, April 13, 2007

False Advertising by Capitol One?

I don't have a credit card, but the credit card company that uses pillaging Germanic tribes in their advertising just sent me an application . . . ironically on the same day their 5%, that's right 5% rate hike takes effect. In their commercials where the Vikings or Visigoths or whatever are put out of business because they (representing rate hikes) don't happen there. WRONG! Now the pillagers are working for the company. It would normally not bother me that there was a rate hike, but because their commercials indicate that they don't hike rates like other companies, most of which have not yet hiked their rates, this, in my book, is false advertising. I don't know that I am important enough to do anything about it, but I intend to write in to news programs and talk shows and see if I can't convince people to make life hard on them. Listen, people, if you say that you are going to be different, we expect you to keep your word, even if you are rich, and if you lie, we'll do our best to let the whole world know.

I think it's false advertising when they send me a big envelope in the mail telling me that I'm "PRE APPROVED!" when we both (The Man and I) know better. My credit score is in the single digits. I'm not getting pre-approved for anything.
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