Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dear Center for Disease Control, I Hate You

So the flu is gone and now I have what appears to be Strep Throat. Yay. As if that weren't bad enough, I can't find a clinic that will accept me that will answer my phone calls, and, to make matters worse, the CDC won't allow a docter to give a prescription for antibiotics without a throat culture, which means I have to find the money for: 1. an exam with a docter, 2. a throat culture, and 3. antibiotics, and I'm alergic to Penecillin, so it will probably be a more expensive medication. As the british say, it's my birthday.

Let me get this straight, Strep is dangerous, but I can't get antibiotics without an exam and a culture, neither of which I can afford, so I have to stay sick until I can find one that I can afford and while I'm sick I will undoubtedly infect countless others, some of whom will also be too poor to afford treatment. And you think this is PROTECTING people.

So CDC, until I can get treated, I'm going lick my hands and shake hands with any of your employees that I can find. May whoever made this decision be too poor to afford a visit to the docter too.

[I took a picture of my throat, but I decided that it was too gross to post]



I've got some leftover Tylenol 3 from my strep adventure... but I don't think that will help get rid of it.

Isn't there a free clinic somewhere? There's got to be... I thought I had pink eye one time and it was at some church or something... I don't know.
I'm not helping at all.

just keep your lumpy tonsils and your furry tongue away from me.... cause I know you were totally going to try to make out with me... like always.... :)
Ok, dude, I'm about to drop some knowledge on you so you best check it (do I sound "Street"?)!

There are three free clinics in/around Boise:
Vinyard - open Wednesday and Saturday - 377-1477
Garden City - open Tuesday and Thursday - 384-5200
Friendship (our of the Episcipal church) - open Monday - 344-2537

There are a couple of sliding fee clinics that will see anyone regardless of their ability to pay. They use the same phone number.
Terry Riley Health Services - 467-4431

Now go and get yourself healthy!
Post your throat picture!!!
Start watching Scrubs now so you'll have invisible scenes to laugh at in the ER like I did. It makes the visit go by MUCH faster! :)

Sorry you're sick. That totally sucks.
Okay, I think it is all under control now and I think
I'm already starting to get better.

Arwen, I'll do my best to not make-out with you. Actually, that goes for all of you . . . at least until I'm sure I'm not contageous . . . and until I'm sure you're not contageous (Emily), but after that things can go back to normal . . . and we can go on not kissing for reasons other than sickness.

James, thank you. As for Terry Riley Health Services, they require their patients to be registered with some "service" that takes monthes to process the application . . . That helps.

By the way, did I tell you guys why the Oregon Health Plan wouldn't accept me, according to the letter they sent me? Because I did not fit any of the criteria: I'm not a child, I'm not legally disabled, and I'm not from another country lacking status as a US citizen.

Now, I'm all for helping out aliens, but I don't see why they should get preferential treatment for the OHP. Oh well, they get the short end of the stick in other places, I guess, but if it were up to me, we'd all have health coverage AND migrant workers would get paid what their work is actually worth, but I think that would take a miracle of a very odd variety, the like of which I have yet to hear.
I'm glad you're getting better. I didn't know much about the places I mentioned, I just googled and called my way to that information from out here in Memphis. Thanks for not making out with me - under any circumstances.
sigh. that's horrible. my advice? move to canada where the healthcare system doesn't suck as much as it does here.
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