Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chinese Elevator?

In our family (Gina and , we have favorite restaurants that cater to each of the four major food groups: Italian, Mexican, American, and Chinese. Since I came to Boise relatively late in the restaurant selection process, Gina and Steve have a favorite Chinese restaurant: The Confucius. The food is pretty good, and the atmosphere is generally what you expect: it looks like it used to be another type of restaurant before it was decorated with the tackiest chinese- like artwork they could find, with a few decent pieces mixed in-- we all understand: buying good art would blow the budget.

So, we're sitting there and I suddenly realize that the intercom is spewing elevator music. That isn't horrible, but it isn't something I expect in a Chinese Restaurant. Then I realize that that is the Stones . . . adapted for elevators . . . and then Aerosmith . . . and . . . COUNTRY?!

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