Saturday, July 15, 2006

Give Me a Few Minutes; I'm Reading My Blogs

Two of my favorite bloggers posted so many blogs while I was blog-breaking that it may take me a while to catch up, Arwen posted 39 entries and Lisa posted 19. To tell the truth, I was a little upset that they posted so much, until I remembered that is one of the reasons I like their blogs. In addition to that, I need to apologize to all of you whom I have been neglecting while working on the house (just wait for Gina's post, by the way). Here are a few of the things I have on my to-do list:

1. Email Andrea

2. Email Jon

3. Comment on Christi's MySpace

4. Email Bogie

5. Call Conni (she won't be there)

6. Email Rachel

7. Write a wikipedia article on Heresiology

8. Write a serious blog entry on Bible translation for lingamish

9. Find a way to help with relief to victims of the violence in Lebanon (and Israel)

10. Write Thesis

Feel free to make a request for numbers 11 and following, but I might have to say no.

I apologize for neglecting all of you, but I'm trying.

Okay, so I rarely end a sentence in a preposition and I know how to use a semi-colon, but I DO have my issues with spelling, I'm in love with hyphens, and I just had to look up the rules for capitalizing titles: "Capitalize the first and last words and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions. Lowercase articles (the, a, an), coordinate conjunctions (and, or, for, nor), and prepositions, regardless of length, unless they are the first or last words of the title or subtitle. Lowercase the to in infinitives. "

You have way to much time on your hands Ty. Since I am going back to school this fall I will rely on you for any help in grammer I need.
I need a tummy scratching.
YEAH! I made it to #3 and the comments were much appreciated!!!
Dodyb, I have to write papers, containing bibliographies so often that I need to know that stuff by heart (though I can usually tell by the way something looks). Also, I'd be happy to help with grammar, but Gina is actually better than I am, though she doesn't know the terminology, but she's worked as a technical editor. Besides that, she enjoys it, as do I, but her job is boring (with too much dead time, sometimes), so I'll bet that we can both help.

Sharkdog, I'd love to give you a scratch, but I can't figure out how to do it from here.

Christi, I tried to go in order of when I decided I needed to do the thing, other than the thesis, which I left until last out of an ironic sense of humor; but still, you did make no. 3.

Blast, I forgot to add email Nick on there.
39 times? Really? Crap... I need to get a hobby...
Arwen, I LOVE your current hobby: blogging. It provides me with hours of enjoyment.
Wow, am I really one of your favs?? Cool. Though I don't feel like you missed much from me, even though I apparently posted 19 times, that pretty depressing. Anyways, Im glad youre back!
"Arwen posted 39 entries and Lisa posted 19"

I know what you mean, those two girls are always on top of things... I can't keep up with them sometimes,and I love the fact that they change their profile pictures all the time...oh and they are gorgeous :)
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