Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Sarcasm Mark

I, as I have mentioned previously, am obsessed with linkis to Wikipedia. Last night I tried to link to a Wikipedia article only to discover that no such article exists. I was therefore compelled to write an article and post it on Wikipedia. So in lieu of my regular post, I have decided to direct your attention to the Wikipedia article I wrote last night. Please feel free to edit it or to suggest edits, I know that the first paragraph needs work and I wanted to credit James with the parenthetical method, but I had trouble finding the example on his blog, so I used my own because I knew where to look (but perhaps the type James used is slightly different because, if I remember correctly, he pointed out the absence of the mark as a method of declaring its pressence, very post-structuralist of him, isnt it?).

My Most Recent Post

Okay, Gina told me to explain, so: We've discovered that the Phrat-boy scoietal structure has a standard set of characters and some of these have predictable names. The most common is a Chad: chad wants to be cool and popular and so he is overly friendly and drinks too much; next is a Chip or a Chipster: a Chipster wants to be remembered, so he speaks of himself in the third-person, urinates on your lawn, and streeks across campus from 10 pm to 4am; finally we have the Biscuit. The Biscuit is mild-mannered and shy until drunk, then he earns the name, The Biscuit by displaying his . . . plumbing . . . . Since he never remembers his drunken escapades, the Biscuit has no idea how he got his name, unless a Chipster fills him in.

I said all that to say this: Africa has a country named after a phrat-boy, you can't make that up . . . but you can make up names for a few neighboring countries.

being published in an online encyclopedia will look excellent on a resume.....Perhaps I should Wiki on popcorn beef... that'd be awesome...
I am so pissed that Niger didn't really change their name. I will never believe you again Ty Frost...never. Seriously how cool would it be if Niger changed their name to Chipster? My dreams are ruined. Thanks.
I suppose that if I chose to believe that you were that gullible, I'd be as gullible as someone who would buy that story.
It's on.
Jess, I did not intend to challenge you to a duel by my previous comment, I intended to imply that I thought that you got the original post but were pretending like you didn't as a joke. I'm saying that I think that you are trying to trick me into believing that you didn't get that post when you actually did.

Of course I now think that, when your first attempt to trick me failed, you decided to keep it going by pretending to be mad so I'd write a comment like this.

It worked, didn't it.
Jess, for the love of all that's good and holy, don't admit it if you were serious about the name change thing! You will literally NEVER live it down. When a Frost gets a teasing opportunity of that magnitude, the teasing doesn't stop until the eulogy. (And if you die first, the name change gullibility thing WILL make an appearance in your eulogy.)

Disclaimer: We kid because we love. (And because we can.)
My dear Ty. It's not so much that I believed you. It's that I hoped with all my heart that what you were saying was true. Chipster? A country in Africa? Awesome!
I think she really believed it. "Hey r1, remeber that time you pooped your pants?" Don't believe anything that Woods has to say! She is a confirmed spy and liar. She'll get into your head and then twist it until it looks like ... brains... and then she will try to talk to you about how that brain developed. She's a sneaky one, that J. Woods... Sneaky indeed... I think you, Ty, should be Jess' archnemisis. That would be great. Being Ry's AN has really brought us closer together. As soon as I destroy him, I will be on the market for a new one. Perhaps your sister.... Mwahahahaha!!!!!
On another topic - sarcasm mark = awesome.

Let it be so, henceforth and forever more.
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