Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Blogscape of the Blogs in Blogdom

I often wonder when we can say that we are in a blogationship. Can I consider you a member of my blogmunity if you just blog around my blog but never comment, are you part of the blogiverse if you don't blog a blog of your own? Can you be part of my blogosphere or blogmunity if I am not part of yours? I know, it isn't exactly mind bloggleing, or blogolutionary, but I still wonder, when does a blogmunity happen? Are there blogationship rules in blogtopia? Blogger me, I just don't know.

i consider you part of my blogmunity when you comment on mine and i comment on yours.

part of the blogosphere if i know of your blog and occasionally read it.

nothing else exsists. nothing.
Blogmunity, I would say is regular commenters and people who are actively involved in your blog. There can be several blogmunities within a blogosphere. So lookie here: There is a Yamhill blogosphere (in which i am included though i'm not a yammy). Within that Bsphere there are several Bmunities; TJ has a huge one and James has one, you have one and they intersect at some points, but they are really just little blog cliques within the bigger picture.
Just like Rebecca Marie says, there is nothing beyond that. Blogiverse could be, like... all of the blogs that you have seen while pressing the 'Next Blog' button but you never get to the end of them (like the universe... see where I'm going with this?). And the Web? Well, I just don't think it exists.

longest comment ever (that hasn't been made into a seperate post)
La la la lalala la la la la la!

I'm going to blog me some blogberries so that I can blog a great blog.

I sure hope Gargamel doesn't blog along and blog everything up.
I am the blogiverse.
you make me laugh!
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