Last month I made several trips to the biggest public library in town, “Gosh, they must have neigh on a hundret books an' most of ‘em ain’t even been culerd in yet.” Each month they display books that celebrate some important issue. Since last month was February they of course were displaying . . . Did you say Black History Month books? I hope so, that’s what I said too, but we are both wrong. Evidently, here in
Idaho, the greatest modern testimony to the ability of committed people to make the world a better place is less important than “Fix it February,” that unknown holiday presided over by Bob Barker (yeah . . . THAT kind of “fix”). If I were more energetic, I’d make decorations and cover their current display with “Happy Belated Black History Month,” banners. If you live in
Boise, I’m not telling you to start moving books by M.L. King and Alex Hailey and Ralph Ellison onto the display with “Happy Belated Black History Month,” notes attached to the covers, I just think it would be appropriate.
Now, on to March: On a more serious note (where is a sarcasm mark when I need it), March is Voltron Month (no joke! See below) and, being a one time so -devoted -I -planned -my -world -around -show -time fan, I must at least acknowledge the special status of this month, especially since this is Voltron’s 20th anniversary. God bless Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, (Sphen – though he only lasted a few episodes as a pilot), and Princess Allura and everyone on Planet Arus. We miss you. You Vehicle Voltron posers can go to Planet Doom (or Planet Hollywood) for all I care.
March 2006: Voltron Month - Fandom Challenge!
"Voltron fandom a bit sluggish lately? Crave some fresh art, fic, media files, screen caps - any kind of excitement for the show? Then this is for you! You don't need to sign up anywhere to participate. But if you see this on your friends-page and like the idea, please post this text to your LJ to spread the word.
How to participate:
1. Pick a day of the week (or more than one) on which you resolve to always post something Voltron-related in March, and let your friends-list know (can be LV, VV, V3-D, comics related...whatever!)
2.Go back and watch some eps, read some comics - relive the Voltron experience. Let the Voltron canon inspire you. And then, share the love.
3. Start your subject line with (Voltron Fandom Challenge) when you post, and use a "Voltron Fandom Challenge" tag. This'll make it easy to spot your Voltron Month entries.
No matter if you just ramble about your undying love for Voltron, picspam us, post wallpapers, icons, or write fan fic / create fan art, the plan is to get as many Voltron-related entries on our friends-pages as possible throughout March.
Sounds good? We've been there, let's go back again!"