Friday, March 24, 2006

This week I walked

Sorry to have been so slow with a new post but I've been walking this week. Actually, not today, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I averaged ten miles a day, a pretty decent amount for a person who has been vegetating for the winter months. Yeah, my legs were hurting the other day (pre-exercise) and Gina suggested that my legs might not be too happy with my lack of healthy eating and exercise (okay, so she very kindly pointed out that I've put on a few pounds). "Well," I thought to myself, "Self, would you rather have your legs hurt because you're getting fat, or because you're exercising?" And I replied, "I'm not FAT, I'm at my target weight." So, I casually loosed my rejoinder, "Yeah, you DO make a pretty good target now." Long story short: I listened to myself and started walking ten miles a day, except on Friday (mostly because my left knee demanded a day off). I plan to keep it up for about four weeks (excluding next weekend, when I'll be in Oklahoma City (if my plans go off unhindered, free tickets and all that). After that, I'll just try to walk a mile or two a day.

That said, it is now the perfect time to take up walking in Boise. Why? Because they have closed our street and are doing construction on all but two streets in our neighborhood, as the map, below, demonstrates. The red Xes are construction and the solid red octagons (that look like circles since I shrunk the picture) are stop signs where traffic gets backed up for miles, the empty red circle is about where we live and the similar blue circle is the branch of the freeway that leads to my sister's work. It has gotten a little better than it was. Now, they send flaggers to direct traffic on Maple Grove from seven to ten and four to six (I think), and they have one group that stands at an intersection without stop signs (I haven't yet figured out their purpose). Oh, and each regular block in the grid is about one mile, to give you a feel for distance.

hey-- you live practically next door to my parents! Going by experience, you have approximately 4 years to walk undisturbed in your neighborhood before the construction is finished...
Well said.
There is an entire level of Hell reserved for the Boise city planners in charge of deciding when and where to do road work. It's in the Bible.

Ryan, might that be Mount Tabor? I'm the most sedentary soul you'll ever meet, and even I enjoy walking on Mount Tabor. Let's face it: everything is better in Portland. Especially the girls who are born there. Which goes double for me, since I was born in the hospital at the base of Mount Tabor.
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